About Us
Unsure of yourself when it comes to evangelization? Don’t quite know what to say? Uncomfortable approaching strangers to share your Catholic Faith?
As Catholics, we know we should be working to bring more souls into our Catholic Faith – but it’s not something that most of us really know how to do…or feel comfortable with.
We’re here to change that.
Conversion Starters makes Catholic evangelization easy and painless…for everyone!
Hi, I'm Angela!
I'm a wife and mom of four - two bigs in college and two littles still at home - and the creator of Conversion Starters.
I've had so many of our Protestant brothers and sisters over the years ask me what church I attend, or ask me if I was saved, and it always impressed me that they were so willing to just strike up a conversation with a stranger about their faith.
I, on the other hand, am much more private about my faith, and it seems like that's common among us Catholics.
But it shouldn't be!
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “The disciple of Christ must not only keep the faith and live on it, but also profess it, confidently bear witness to it, and spread it.”
So I started thinking about ways to evangelize that wouldn't make me a nervous wreck, or require me to to be able to argue theology on the spot.
Finally, inspiration hit! What if we created items that pose the most common questions people have about Catholics and then answer them, all without anyone having to feel awkward or annoyed or shy?
Non-confrontational T-shirts and hoodies that just make people wonder - and then send them to a website for the answers. Stealth evangelization using strategically used mugs, water bottles, and tote bags. It's evangelization for introverts!
We hope our products make evangelization easy and even fun for us Catholics - and transformative for those it reaches.
StuffCatholicsDo.com is our sister website, created specifically to answer the questions that our products pose.
Bulk Orders
Ordering in bulk for your parish youth group, evangelization team, school group, or other organization? Contact us for bulk rates!